Fixing error Text content does not match server-rendered HTML Next.js

Fixing error Text content does not match server-rendered HTML Next.js

Tiempo de lectura: < 1 minuto Today we are going to fix the common error that may occur when implementing i18n in our React environment with Next.js. This is the error: Unhandled Runtime Error Error: Text content does not match server-rendered HTML. Warning: Text content did not match. Server: “” Client: “” See more info here: A different content appears … Read more

Button component using Flutter in Dart language

Button component using Flutter in Dart language

Tiempo de lectura: 2 minutos In this post, we will create a customizable button component in Flutter using the ElevatedButton widget. This component will allow us to create buttons with text, icon, and customize various aspects like color, text size, and button width. import ‘package:flutter/material.dart’; import ‘../util/constants/Colors.dart’; class Button extends StatelessWidget { final Color? color; // Now optional and can … Read more

Middleware file in Next.js

Middleware file in Next.js

Tiempo de lectura: < 1 minuto Today I’m going to explain and provide an example of middleware in Next.js A middleware in Next.js is a function that runs before a request reaches your Next.js route or API. You can use middleware to handle and manipulate incoming requests. Here are some things you can do with middleware in Next.js: Cookie handling: You … Read more

Default _app.tsx File for Next.js

Default _app.tsx File for Next.js

Tiempo de lectura: < 1 minuto Today I bring you this _app.tsx file by default in case your Next.js project doesn’t create it. This _app.tsx file is the top-level component in Next.js. All page components are rendered through this file, making it useful for global configurations. You should place this file inside pages/_app.tsx import { AppProps } from ‘next/app’ import ‘../styles/globals.css’ … Read more

Adding path-based internationalization with i18next in React and Next.js Server Side (SSR)

Adding path-based internationalization with i18next in React and Next.js Server Side (SSR)

Tiempo de lectura: 3 minutos Today we are going to learn how we can add Server Side Internationalization so that our Next.js server directly returns translated pages to benefit SEO. The first thing we have to do is to install the necessary dependencies: npm install i18next next-i18next @types/i18next @types/react-i18next –save Then we are going to create a configuration file next-i18next.config.js … Read more

How to stop a Docker Compose container and delete the associated image, then create a new build

How to stop a Docker Compose container and delete the associated image, then create a new build

Tiempo de lectura: < 1 minuto Today we’re going to learn how to delete the Docker image when performing a Docker Compose down to then regenerate an update without generating garbage. The command we should use to stop the container and delete the associated image is: docker-compose down –rmi all This will remove the associated images of that Docker Compose. To … Read more

Storing Cookies and Sharing from Client Side to Server Side in Next.js

Storing Cookies and Sharing from Client Side to Server Side in Next.js

Tiempo de lectura: 2 minutos Today we are going to learn how we can store and share Cookies between Client Side and Server Side using React. For today’s tutorial, we will use the library Nookies. This library will solve our Cookie storage immediately. First, let’s create a component called CookieStorage.tsx import nookies from ‘nookies’ enum CookieKeys { DATA = ‘data’, … Read more

Implementing a Masonry List (unordered list) with React and MUI

Implementing a Masonry List (unordered list) with React and MUI

Tiempo de lectura: 2 minutos Today we’re going to learn how to create a Pinterest-style list (Masonry List) using React with the MUI library. An unordered list like Pinterest’s allows us to see all the elements on the screen in a list format. In this example, we’ll create Material Design cards. First, we need to install the MUI lab library: … Read more

Creating Dynamic Routes Using Next.js and React to Make Links with Parameters

Creating Dynamic Routes Using Next.js and React to Make Links with Parameters

Tiempo de lectura: < 1 minuto Today we’re going to learn how to create dynamic routes for linking with parameters using Next.js. The first thing we’re going to do is to create a folder within our pages called article, and inside it, we’re going to create a file named: [id].tsx Resulting in: -pages -article – [id].tsx This will allow us to … Read more