Fix error: Unknown compiler option ‘allowImportingTsExtensions’. Using Sonarqube with React and TypeScript

Fix error: Unknown compiler option ‘allowImportingTsExtensions’. Using Sonarqube with React and TypeScript

Tiempo de lectura: < 1 minuto Today we are going to solve the error Unknown compiler option ‘allowImportingTsExtensions’ that appears when trying to analyze a TypeScript project with SonarQube and React. The error is found in tsconfig.json of the React project, it is fixed by removing the following line: allowImportingTsExtensions”: true,

Fix error Argument for ‘–moduleResolution’ option must be: ‘node’, ‘classic’, ‘node16’, ‘nodenext’.; in SonarQube with React TypeScript

Fix error Argument for ‘–moduleResolution’ option must be: ‘node’, ‘classic’, ‘node16’, ‘nodenext’.; in SonarQube with React TypeScript

Tiempo de lectura: < 1 minuto Today we are going to learn how to solve the error Argument for ‘–moduleResolution’ option must be: ‘node’, ‘classic’, ‘node16’, ‘nodenext’.; when trying to analyze a React project with TypeScript using Sonarqube. This error is located in the tsconfig.json file, as it includes: “moduleResolution”: “bundle”, To fix it, we will set: “moduleResolution”: “node”,

Deploy Docker Container with SonarQube and Integrate with Jenkins for Code Analysis

Deploy Docker Container with SonarQube and Integrate with Jenkins for Code Analysis

Tiempo de lectura: 2 minutos Reading time: 4 minutes Today we are going to see how to install SonarQube using a Docker container. To do this, we will use the following Docker container: version: “3.1” services: sonarqube: image: sonarqube:lts-community container_name: sonarqube hostname: sonarqube ports: – 9000:9000 environment: – sonar.jdbc.url=jdbc:postgresql://posgres_db:5432/sonar – sonar.jdbc.username=posgres – sonar.jdbc.password=adminposgres – volumes: – ./config/sonarqube/logs:/opt/sonarqube/logs – ./config/sonarqube/data:/opt/sonarqube/data … Read more

Analyze Javascript code (React Native, Typescript, Nodejs etc) with Sonarqube and Jenkins (or local)

Analyze Javascript code (React Native, Typescript, Nodejs etc) with Sonarqube and Jenkins (or local)

Tiempo de lectura: 3 minutos Today we’re going to see how to analyze JavaScript, React Native, or Node.js code using SonarQube and Jenkins. Install Node.js with Jenkins If we want to execute a project with JavaScript, we need to install Node.js on the machine where the scan is performed. In this case, on Jenkins. To do that, we install the … Read more

SonarQube Scanner PLUGIN for Jenkins, send your code to your Sonarqube server for analysis

SonarQube Scanner PLUGIN for Jenkins, send your code to your Sonarqube server for analysis

Tiempo de lectura: 2 minutos Reading time: 4 minutes Hello, today I’m going to show you how to install and send code to SonarQube using SonarQube Scanner Plugin and Jenkins. This way, we can create a stage within the CI/CD pipeline that is responsible for analyzing the code integration. The first thing we need to do is open Jenkins and … Read more