SDK Location Not Found Error in React Native

SDK Location Not Found Error in React Native

Tiempo de lectura: < 1 minuto If we encounter this error while trying to generate an apk of a React Native application SDK location not found Define a valid SDK location with an ANDROID_HOME environment variable or by setting the sdk.dir path in your project’s local properties file, we need to do the following to fix it. Now we will create … Read more

Docker Compose for React with Next.js in Development Mode

Docker Compose for React with Next.js in Development Mode

Tiempo de lectura: < 1 minuto Today I bring you a Docker Compose setup to run your React application with Next.js in development mode. The first thing you need to do is create this docker-compose.yml file: version: ‘3’ services: nextjs-app: build: . ports: – “3000:3000” volumes: – .:/app environment: – NODE_ENV=development Now create this Dockerfile: # Use a Node.js alpine image … Read more

Adding GDPR European Ad Consent Message with React Native Google Mobile Ads (ADMOB) with Expo

Adding GDPR European Ad Consent Message with React Native Google Mobile Ads (ADMOB) with Expo

Tiempo de lectura: 2 minutos Today we are going to learn how we can add the mandatory ad consent message to comply with GDPR. The first thing we need to do is to have our message set up: NOTE: I am using version 12.2.0 of react-native-google-mobile-ads at least ( Once configured, let’s go to android/app/ and add: -keep class … Read more

Adding Audio or Sounds in Flutter

Adding Audio or Sounds in Flutter

Tiempo de lectura: 2 minutos To add audio or sounds in Flutter, we’ll use the audioplayers library. First, we install it: flutter pub add audioplayers Then, run flutter pub get in your terminal to install the dependency. Organize Project Structure If you haven’t already, organize your Flutter project so that you have a folder for assets like images and sounds. … Read more

How to Get Current Location (Latitude and Longitude) in Flutter

How to Get Current Location (Latitude and Longitude) in Flutter

Tiempo de lectura: 2 minutos   To quickly and easily get the current location, follow these steps: First, make sure you have added the geolocator dependency in the pubspec.yaml file: geolocator: ^7.0.3 Then, run flutter pub get to install the dependency. Next, add the necessary permissions in the AndroidManifest.xml file: <uses-permission android:name=”android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION” /> <uses-permission android:name=”android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION” /> Then implement the following … Read more

Complete Guide to HTTP Status Codes: Understanding Web Server Messages

Tiempo de lectura: 2 minutos Good morning! And happy holidays! 🎄 Today I bring you a basic tutorial about HTTP status codes. It’s always good to have them handy, so here are the most common ones! Common HTTP status codes: 200 OK: The request has been successfully processed. 400 Bad Request: Error in the client’s request. It could be due … Read more

Add widget space to your WordPress theme

Add widget space to your WordPress theme

Tiempo de lectura: 2 minutos Adding widgets to a WordPress theme is a relatively simple and flexible process. Here’s a step-by-step tutorial: Step 1: Register a Widgets Area in the functions.php File Open your theme’s functions.php file and add the following code to register a widgets area. In this example, I’ll create an area called “Footer Widgets”: function my_theme_register_widgets() { … Read more

How to Add Plurals or Different Texts for a Certain Quantity in Android Studio Using Java (Using Text Resources)

How to Add Plurals or Different Texts for a Certain Quantity in Android Studio Using Java (Using Text Resources)

Tiempo de lectura: 2 minutos Photo by Ákos SzabĂł First, we will define the plural messages in the strings.xml file, located in the res/values/ folder. This file contains the text resources used in the application. In this case, as an example, we will display different text depending on the number of messages we have. In the plural text item quantity=»other», … Read more

Create Checkbox Options in Flutter with Dart

Create Checkbox Options in Flutter with Dart

Tiempo de lectura: < 1 minuto Photo by JÉSHOOTS In this example, I’m going to show you how to create a set of checkbox options in Flutter using the Dart programming language. To do this, we’ll create a component that we’ll call CheckboxGroup. This component will have its properties and events to handle the selection of options, allowing us to use … Read more