Adding Google AdSense in React

Adding Google AdSense in React

Tiempo de lectura: 2 minutos Today we’re going to learn how to add Google Adsense to React. The first thing we need to do is to create an account on Google Adsense and obtain our page code. Now we need to add the code inside our head like this: <head> <script async src=”” crossOrigin=”anonymous”></script> </head> Where in ca-pub-XXXXXXXXXXXXX we must … Read more

Fix “Create a GDPR consent request message no later than January” from Google Adsense

Fix “Create a GDPR consent request message no later than January” from Google Adsense

Tiempo de lectura: 3 minutos Hello, today we are going to learn how to resolve the message that appears in Google Adsense accounts: “Create an RGPD consent request message no later than January 16, 2024” The first thing we are going to do is access our Adsense account. And the alert message will appear directly; we will have to choose … Read more

Connect a WordPress Website with AdSense to Display Automatic Ads

Connect a WordPress Website with AdSense to Display Automatic Ads

Tiempo de lectura: 3 minutos Reading time: 3 minutes Good afternoon, in this post, I’m going to explain how to connect AdSense to our WordPress website with automatic ads to monetize it. Below, I’ll detail the steps you need to follow: In the WordPress Control menu, go to the Plugins option and click on “add new”. Search for “Site Kit … Read more