Best tools to measure web accessibility

Best tools to measure web accessibility

Tiempo de lectura: 3 minutos Web accessibility is crucial to ensuring that everyone, regardless of their abilities, can fully enjoy the online experience. Fortunately, there are several tools and browser extensions that can help you assess and improve the accessibility of your website. Let’s explore some of them! 1. Wave Evaluation Tool Wave is one of my favorites. It’s a … Read more

Web Accessibility and WCAG Standards, Accessibility Levels

Web Accessibility and WCAG Standards, Accessibility Levels

Tiempo de lectura: 3 minutos The web is a vast and diverse place, filled with information and opportunities. However, for many people with disabilities, navigating the web can be like trying to open a locked door. That’s why web accessibility is crucial. Let’s dive into the world of web accessibility and discover how the WCAG guidelines can unlock the web … Read more

How to Create an Accessible Accordion with Bootstrap

How to Create an Accessible Accordion with Bootstrap

Tiempo de lectura: 2 minutos Reading time: 3 minutes Good morning! I’m sharing a new tutorial with you to kick off the weekend. In today’s tutorial, I’ll show you how to create an accessible accordion using Bootstrap. We’ll add a series of attributes that make it accessible to everyone. I hope you like it. Let’s get started: Step 1: Basic … Read more

How to Create a Loader Button with HTML, CSS, and jQuery

Tiempo de lectura: 2 minutos Reading time: 2 minutes Good afternoon! Today I bring you a very cool and interesting tutorial about an element you can use on your website. Let’s get started! A loader button is a functionality that allows users to know when a background task is being processed, such as a request to a server. In this … Read more

Applying responsive design to an HTML, CSS, Javascript website

Applying responsive design to an HTML, CSS, Javascript website

Tiempo de lectura: 2 minutos Reading time: 2 minutes Adapting a website to be responsive is a process that involves designing and developing a website that adjusts to different screen sizes and devices, providing an optimal user experience across all of them. In order to adapt a website to be responsive, it is necessary to consider the following steps: Identify … Read more

Web Accessibility

Web Accessibility

Tiempo de lectura: 2 minutos Reading time: 2 minutes Web accessibility refers to the ability of a website to be used by a wide range of people, including those with physical, cognitive, and learning disabilities. Web accessibility aims to ensure that all users, regardless of their abilities, can access and use the information and features of a website. There are … Read more