Google Analytics in React with Next + Extra Trick

Google Analytics in React with Next + Extra Trick

Tiempo de lectura: < 1 minuto Today we’re going to add the Google Analytics tag using React and Next. To add the tag, we need to have a Google Analytics account created. We’ll go to our <Head> tag and add: <script async src={`${IDGoogleAnalytics}`} /> Where IDGoogleAnalytics will be our ID: G-XXXXXX Extra: Improve bounce rate performance. With this script, we can … Read more

Adding Google AdSense in React

Adding Google AdSense in React

Tiempo de lectura: 2 minutos Today we’re going to learn how to add Google Adsense to React. The first thing we need to do is to create an account on Google Adsense and obtain our page code. Now we need to add the code inside our head like this: <head> <script async src=”” crossOrigin=”anonymous”></script> </head> Where in ca-pub-XXXXXXXXXXXXX we must … Read more

Validate ReCaptcha token using PHP

Tiempo de lectura: < 1 minuto In this example, we pass the obtained reCaptcha code through the JSON body and validate it. Replace SECRET_CODE with the secret code obtained when creating the captcha. To send the remote IP, you can use HTTP_CLIENT_IP or HTTP_X_REAL_IP if you are using a reverse proxy like NPM. Finally, validate the captcha token and allow the … Read more

Add reCAPTCHA Google Captcha to React

Add reCAPTCHA Google Captcha to React

Tiempo de lectura: 2 minutos Today we’re going to learn how we can validate a form, including a reCAPTCHA to prevent spam attacks by BOTS. The first thing we need to do is register our reCAPTCHA code on Google: And click on v3 Admin Console Click on the plus (+) button to create a new one, and in this … Read more

Implementing Google Sign-In in React

Implementing Google Sign-In in React

Tiempo de lectura: 3 minutos Today we are going to learn how to implement Google Sign-in with React, also compatible with Next.js. The first thing we need to do is install the React Oauth2 Google library: npm install @react-oauth/google@latest Once installed, we need to create our credentials: Go to Google Cloud Platform ( and click on Console. Now select your … Read more

Add Google Sign Auth in Flutter

Add Google Sign Auth in Flutter

Tiempo de lectura: 4 minutos Today we are going to learn how we can implement Google authentication in our Flutter app. Let’s go to Google Cloud Platform ( and click on Console Now select our project (if we already have it created by Firebase) or create a new one. Now search for: oauth clients Choose External: Fill in the application … Read more

Verify Google Auth Token (Google Sign) Using Python

Verify Google Auth Token (Google Sign) Using Python

Tiempo de lectura: 2 minutos Today we’re going to learn how we can verify a token generated with Google Sign-In from a front-end client by sending it to the back-end. In this case, we’ll be using Python. Of course, here’s a step-by-step tutorial for validating a Google Sign-In token in Python using the google-auth library. Step 1: Install the google-auth … Read more

What is Google Analytics and How to Use It?

What is Google Analytics and How to Use It?

Tiempo de lectura: 3 minutos Reading Time: 2 minutes Google Analytics is a free tool for tracking and analyzing website data. It allows you to gather information about your website traffic, including the number of visits, the time spent on the page, the bounce rate, and the traffic source. It also provides tools for measuring the performance of your website … Read more

How to Google Effectively for Developers

How to Google Effectively for Developers

Tiempo de lectura: 2 minutos Hello everyone, today I bring you this tutorial with some tips on how to effectively search on Google. Many times, we have a problem or we’re stuck while programming and we want to quickly find the solution, but we spend hours and hours searching without success. First of all, search in English. If you need … Read more