Hovering the mouse over an element changes its background color – Hover

Tiempo de lectura: < 1 minuto Reading time: < 1 minute I’m going to show you a simple example with the “hover” event on an element. It’s a rectangular container that acts as an interactive element. When the “hover” event (mouse pointer passes over) occurs, its background color changes. Additionally, its size or scale is modified. The HTML code is as … Read more

How to Create an Accessible Accordion with Bootstrap

How to Create an Accessible Accordion with Bootstrap

Tiempo de lectura: 2 minutos Reading time: 3 minutes Good morning! I’m sharing a new tutorial with you to kick off the weekend. In today’s tutorial, I’ll show you how to create an accessible accordion using Bootstrap. We’ll add a series of attributes that make it accessible to everyone. I hope you like it. Let’s get started: Step 1: Basic … Read more

Formulario sencillo en HTML, CSS y JavaScript

Formulario sencillo en HTML, CSS y JavaScript

Tiempo de lectura: 2 minutos alert(‘Nombre: ‘ + name + ‘\nEmail: ‘ + email + ‘\nMensaje: ‘ + message); } // Agregar evento de envío al formulario document.getElementById(‘form’).addEventListener(‘submit’, enviarDatos); </script> </body> </html> El código muestra un formulario simple con tres campos: nombre, correo electrónico y mensaje. Se utiliza HTML y CSS para estructurar y estilizar el formulario, mientras que JavaScript … Read more

Slider Button in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Slider Button in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Tiempo de lectura: 2 minutos Reading Time: 2 minutes Photo by Pixabay Here is an example of how to create a simple sliding button or slider using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This code demonstrates how to create a sliding button or slider using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The goal is to change the state of the button when clicked. <!DOCTYPE … Read more

Changing Button Background Color on Click in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Changing Button Background Color on Click in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Tiempo de lectura: 2 minutos Reading Time: 2 minutes Photo by Pixabay In the example, I’m showing a button with a blue background color. When the button is clicked, the background color changes to green. The HTML code to display the button is as follows. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> </head> <body> <button class=”custom-button” onclick=”changeColor()”>Click Me</button> </body> </html> I add style … Read more

Stopwatch Using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Stopwatch Using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Tiempo de lectura: < 1 minuto Reading time: < 1 minute To create a stopwatch in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, you can follow the code example below: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Stopwatch</title> <style> .container { text-align: center; margin-top: 50px; } .time { font-size: 48px; } </style> </head> <body> <div class=”container”> <h1>Stopwatch for DevCodeLight</h1> <div class=”time”>00:00:00</div> <button onclick=”start()”>Start</button> <button onclick=”stop()”>Stop</button> </div> <script> … Read more

Tutorial on Creating a Web Loader using CSS and JavaScript

Tutorial on Creating a Web Loader using CSS and JavaScript

Tiempo de lectura: 2 minutos Reading time: 2 minutes Web loaders, also known as spinners, are visual elements used to indicate that a web page is loading content or processing an action. In this tutorial, we will learn how to create a custom web loader using CSS and JavaScript. The result will be an animated and visually appealing loader that … Read more

Create a Horizontal Navigation Menu Using CSS

Create a Horizontal Navigation Menu Using CSS

Tiempo de lectura: 3 minutos Reading Time: 2 minutes Hello, today I’m going to show you how to create a horizontal navigation menu using CSS: HTML: First, create the basic HTML structure of the navigation menu: <nav> <ul> <li><a href=”#”>Home</a></li> <li><a href=”#”>Services</a></li> <li><a href=”#”>About</a></li> <li><a href=”#”>Contact</a></li> </ul> </nav> CSS: Now let’s apply CSS styles to make the menu horizontal: nav … Read more

How to Create a Loader Button with HTML, CSS, and jQuery

Tiempo de lectura: 2 minutos Reading time: 2 minutes Good afternoon! Today I bring you a very cool and interesting tutorial about an element you can use on your website. Let’s get started! A loader button is a functionality that allows users to know when a background task is being processed, such as a request to a server. In this … Read more

Applying responsive design to an HTML, CSS, Javascript website

Applying responsive design to an HTML, CSS, Javascript website

Tiempo de lectura: 2 minutos Reading time: 2 minutes Adapting a website to be responsive is a process that involves designing and developing a website that adjusts to different screen sizes and devices, providing an optimal user experience across all of them. In order to adapt a website to be responsive, it is necessary to consider the following steps: Identify … Read more