Validate ReCaptcha token using PHP

Tiempo de lectura: < 1 minuto In this example, we pass the obtained reCaptcha code through the JSON body and validate it. Replace SECRET_CODE with the secret code obtained when creating the captcha. To send the remote IP, you can use HTTP_CLIENT_IP or HTTP_X_REAL_IP if you are using a reverse proxy like NPM. Finally, validate the captcha token and allow the … Read more

Add reCAPTCHA Google Captcha to React

Add reCAPTCHA Google Captcha to React

Tiempo de lectura: 2 minutos Today we’re going to learn how we can validate a form, including a reCAPTCHA to prevent spam attacks by BOTS. The first thing we need to do is register our reCAPTCHA code on Google: And click on v3 Admin Console Click on the plus (+) button to create a new one, and in this … Read more

Implementing Google Sign-In in React

Implementing Google Sign-In in React

Tiempo de lectura: 3 minutos Today we are going to learn how to implement Google Sign-in with React, also compatible with Next.js. The first thing we need to do is install the React Oauth2 Google library: npm install @react-oauth/google@latest Once installed, we need to create our credentials: Go to Google Cloud Platform ( and click on Console. Now select your … Read more

Add Google Sign Auth in Flutter

Add Google Sign Auth in Flutter

Tiempo de lectura: 4 minutos Today we are going to learn how we can implement Google authentication in our Flutter app. Let’s go to Google Cloud Platform ( and click on Console Now select our project (if we already have it created by Firebase) or create a new one. Now search for: oauth clients Choose External: Fill in the application … Read more

Verify Google Auth Token (Google Sign) Using Python

Verify Google Auth Token (Google Sign) Using Python

Tiempo de lectura: 2 minutos Today we’re going to learn how we can verify a token generated with Google Sign-In from a front-end client by sending it to the back-end. In this case, we’ll be using Python. Of course, here’s a step-by-step tutorial for validating a Google Sign-In token in Python using the google-auth library. Step 1: Install the google-auth … Read more