Adding an Android Play Store Keystore using React Native with Expo 6 de October de 20236 de October de 2023 by DevCodeLight Tiempo de lectura: 2 minutosHello, today we are going to learn how we can upload our own signing key to the Android Play Store using Expo. The first thing we have to do is open the Expo credentials manager: expo credentials:manager Once opened, in this case, we select Android: It will ask if we are in the correct directory: In my case, I selected “yes” since we will upload the encryption key here: Now let’s upload our key since we had this APP published in a previous version developed in pure Android and now we want to update it to React Native: We can generate a new one or upload the existing one, in this case, I’m going to upload the one I have: Now we indicate the name of the key with the path included from the directory indicated to us earlier: In my case: It will ask for the password: We indicate the alias of the key: And it will ask for the alias password, we add it, and we have now added our own key. DevCodeLight Post Views: 10 Comparte esto:FacebookX Related