Reading time: 3 minutes
I’m going to explain how to add GitHub Copilot in Android Studio. You can also add it in Visual Studio Code by following this POST Add and use GitHub Copilot to assist you in programming any language in VSCode

First, make sure you have an updated version of Android Studio, minimum 2021.2.1

To update your Android Studio to the latest version available, go to Help > Check for updates

It will allow you to update the software.
Once you have the correct version installed, go to File > Settings

Inside Settings, select plugins.

Here, search for the GitHub Copilot plugin.

Install the plugin.
Once installed, it will appear in the bottom-right corner and prompt you to log in to GitHub.

To log inin, click on the image and choose to log in.

A link and a device code will appear.

Copy the Device code and open the GitHub website to paste the code in the text boxes.

Click on authorize.

Now the plugin is linked and activated in your Android Studio.

Now you can use Copilot in your projects. Use the tab key to complete the suggested code as usual.