Reading time: 2 minutes

Good afternoon,
In today’s tutorial, I’m going to show you how to enable location permissions on your device.
Let’s get started
First, we import the API
import * as Location from 'expo-location';
Inside our component, we add the following function that will be responsible for enabling location permissions.
const [errorMsg, setErrorMsg] = useState(null); const permisoLocalizacion = async () => { console.log('Obtain: '); let { status } = await Location.requestForegroundPermissionsAsync(); if (status !== 'granted') { setErrorMsg('Permission to access location was denied'); return; } }
In the button, we call the function to execute that action
<View> <Button text={t('refresh_location')} onPress={permisoLocalizacion} /> </View>

That’s all for today. In the following days, I will show you how to obtain the exact device location
I hope you like it! :slightly_smiling_face: