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Hello, today we are going to learn how to automate a task using Ofelia, FastAPI, and SQLAlchemy.

The first thing we are going to do is create the file that we want to execute with Ofelia’s Cron:
# Create or get db_session from crud.operations_crud import operacion_crud_generar_estadisticas from config.connection import get_db db_session = next(get_db()) print("Executing") operacion_crud_generar_estadisticas(db_session=db_session) print("End")
First, we import the CRUD operation that will execute the task in the database.
Then, we import the connection created by FastAPI as a session.
This way, we can reuse the structured code in FastAPI and avoid duplicating it.
It is important that this file is in the root of the project app/, as we will run it as if it were a module with Python.
python -m cron_execute
Once created, we will install Ofelia with Docker Compose. For this, we can check this POST:
Our Ofelia configuration file config.ini will be as we like:
[job-exec "job-executed-on-running-container"] schedule = @daily container = fast_api_container command = python -m cron_execute
schedule = @daily -> It indicates that it will run once a day.
container = fast_api_container -> It indicates the name of the container.
command = python -m cron_execute -> It indicates the command to be executed inside the container.
Comments will appear in the Ofelia container.
*Note: Every time we change the config.ini, if we have Ofelia running, we must restart the container to refresh the changes.