Connect a React Native Application to a WebSocket

Tiempo de lectura: 2 minutos

Today we will learn how to connect our React Native application to a WebSocket using the library

Setting up React Native Application

  1. Create a New React Native Project:
    Create a new React Native project using react-native-cli:
   npx react-native init MyReactNativeApp
   cd MyReactNativeApp
  1. Install WebSocket Dependencies:
    Install the react-native-websocket library to handle WebSocket connections in React Native:
   npm install --save react-native-websocket
  1. Implement WebSocket Component in React Native:
    Replace the content of App.js with the following code:
   import React, { useState } from 'react';
   import { View, Text, TextInput, Button } from 'react-native';
   import { WebSocketProvider, useWebSocket } from 'react-native-websocket';

   function App() {
     const [message, setMessage] = useState('');
     const { sendMessage } = useWebSocket('ws://localhost:8000/ws/1');

     const handleMessageChange = (text) => {

     const handleSendMessage = () => {
       sendMessage({ message });

     return (
         <Text>WebSocket React Native</Text>
           placeholder="Write a message"
         <Button onPress={handleSendMessage} title="Send Message" />

   function AppWithWebSocket() {
     return (
       <WebSocketProvider url="ws://localhost:8000/ws/1">
         <App />

   export default AppWithWebSocket;

Make sure to replace ws://localhost:8000/ws/1 with the URL of your FastAPI server.

  1. Run the React Native Application:
    Run the React Native application:
   npx react-native run-android


   npx react-native run-ios

Visit http://localhost:3000 in your browser and you will see the React Native application. You can write messages, send them, and see the responses from the FastAPI server through the WebSocket.

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Configuración de la Aplicación React Native

  1. Install WebSocket Dependencies:
    Install the react-native-websocket library to handle WebSocket connections in React Native:
npm install --save react-native-websocket
  1. Implement WebSocket Component in React Native:
    Replace the content of App.js with the following code:
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { View, Text, TextInput, Button } from 'react-native';
import { WebSocketProvider, useWebSocket } from 'react-native-websocket';

function App() {
  const [message, setMessage] = useState('');
  const { sendMessage } = useWebSocket('ws://localhost:8000/ws/1');

  const handleMessageChange = (text) => {

  const handleSendMessage = () => {
    sendMessage({ message });

  return (
      <Text>WebSocket React Native</Text>
        placeholder="Write a message"
      <Button onPress={handleSendMessage} title="Send Message" />

function AppWithWebSocket() {
  return (
    <WebSocketProvider url="ws://localhost:8000/ws/1">
      <App />

export default AppWithWebSocket;

Make sure to replace ws://localhost:8000/ws/1 with the URL of your FastAPI server.

  1. Run the React Native Application:
    Run the React Native application:
npx react-native run-android


npx react-native run-ios

Visit http://localhost:3000 in your browser, and you will see the React Native application. You can write messages, send them, and see the responses from the FastAPI server through WebSocket.

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