Reading Time: 3 minutes
The first thing we need to do is create an account on Oracle Cloud as indicated in this post.

Once created, go to Launch Resources and click on Create a VM instance.

Now fill in the fields for your instance:
- Enter the name:

- Choose the image, I recommend Ubuntu 18.

Click on edit and select Ubuntu or the desired image.

To get 32GB of RAM and 4 CPUs, go to Shape and click on Change Shape.

Choose Ampere:

And choose 4 CPUs and 32GB of RAM:

Now add or create an SSH key to connect to the server (you can create it with PuttyGen) or click on Generate a key pair for me and save the public and private key (for SSH connection, we will use the private key).

Next, if we click on Boot volume, we select Specify a custom boot volume size (we have a maximum of 200 for 2 free instances, so we can create two of 100 or one of 50 and one of 150 GB). We can also create an instance of 200GB.

Enter the Boot Volume Size (GB)

In my case, I’ve set it to 152GB.
Once you’re done, click on Create.

Now we wait for the creation process to complete.

Once created, you can access it by checking the assigned IP under Instance access:

You can now access it via SSH using the default user ubuntu and the previously created private key.