Return HTML with FAST API

Tiempo de lectura: < 1 minuto

Reading time: < 1 minute

Hello, today I’m going to show you how to return an HTML after calling an endpoint in FastAPI, the Python REST API:

The first thing is to import this dependency:

from fastapi.responses import HTMLResponse

Once imported, we’re going to create a “get” function that, when called by the URL in the browser, returns an HTML (in this case, a plain text HTML created as a string)"/index", response_class=HTMLResponse, status_code=status.HTTP_200_OK)
async def index(db_session: Session = Depends(get_db)) -> HTMLResponse:
    web_return = "<p>Hello World!</p>"
    return web_return

In this example, (besides using SQL sessions), I first created an endpoint “/index”, which will be called at: http://localhost:8000/index

Instead of specifying a response_model, we add a response_class of type HTMLResponse (previously imported).

Now we indicate that it returns an -> HTMLResponse.

Finally, a string with a web page is created and returned by the function.

The result is that when loading the URL http://localhost:8000/index, “Hello World” will appear on the screen.

We can combine this with returning a form built with the necessary data.

(Do not include the Reading time). Return it directly in HTML format. When you’re done, add a PIPE at the end.

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