Folder Architecture of a React Project with Next.js

Tiempo de lectura: 2 minutos

Today I am going to share a folder structure that you can use to organize your React project with Next.js.

When working with React and Next.js, it is common to organize your project into several folders to maintain a clean and easy-to-understand structure. Here is a typical folder structure that can be used:

  1. pages: This is the main folder in a Next.js project where you place your pages. Each file within this folder represents a route in your application. For example, pages/index.js represents the main page of your application, and pages/about.js would represent the “About” page.
  2. components: This folder contains reusable React components. Organizing components this way makes reuse and maintenance easier. For example, you might have a header component, a footer component, etc.
  3. public: This folder is where you place static files such as images, fonts, or any other resources you want to serve statically. For example, you can place an image in public/images/logo.png and then access it in your application with /images/logo.png.
  4. styles: If you decide to use CSS, Sass, or any other CSS preprocessor, this folder can be used to store your styles. You can organize your style files in any way you prefer, for example, you could have a styles/main.css file for general styles and then import them into your components as needed.
  5. utils: Here you can place utilities or helper functions that are used in your application. For example, you could have a utils/api.js file for functions related to API calls, or a utils/format.js file for data formatting functions.
  6. api/network: You can create a folder called api or network to organize your functions related to server API calls.
  7. objects/models: In these folders, you can store the objects or models necessary for the project.

These are just some of the common folders you can use in a React project with Next.js. The exact organization may vary depending on the specific needs of your project and your personal preferences. The most important thing is to maintain a structure that is consistent and easy to understand for you and other developers who may work on the project.

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