How to create a 2D character with Unity

Tiempo de lectura: 3 minutos

Reading time: 2 minutes

The image used for the character was obtained from the following link (CC0 License Created/distributed by Kenney (

First, we drag our selected character into the Assets.

In the upper left part, we find the following menu.

In it, we right-click Create Empty and in this case, we name it “character”.

A menu like the following will appear on the right side for the created element.

We click on Add Component and add Sprite Renderer as shown below

In the Sprite tag, select the character image you want and give it a value of 16 pixels to increase its size.

Reading time: 2 minutes

The image used for the character was obtained from the following link (CC0 License Created/distributed by Kenney (

First, we drag our selected character into the Assets.

In the upper left part, we find the following menu.

In it, we right-click Create Empty and in this case, we name it “character”.

A menu like the following will appear on the right side for the created element.

We click on Add Component and add Sprite Renderer as shown below

In the Sprite tag, select the character image you want and give it a value of 16 pixels to increase its size.

Already, we would have our character ready to add animations.

I hope this helps, regards!!

Hope this helps, regards!!

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