How to Remove a User from a Group, Delete a User and Group in Linux (Ubuntu) from the Terminal Using Commands

Tiempo de lectura: 2 minutos

Reading Time: 2 minutes

According to the previous posts, we have created a user and a group to which we have added the user. You can see it in the following links:

First, we will remove the user DevCodeLight from the group. In the previous examples, we named it grupoDevCodeLight. To do this, we will use gpasswd.

Before that, if we view our group, the user DevCodeLight appears:

Then, with the following command, we remove that user from the group:

sudo gpasswd -d DevCodeLight grupoDevCodeLight

Once the command is entered in the console, the group appears without users as seen in the image below:

Next, we will delete the user and then the group with two simple commands.

Delete user along with their home directory

sudo userdel -r DevCodeLight

If we view the users, we will see that the user DevCodeLight has been deleted.

Delete group

sudo groupdel grupoDevCodeLight

If we view the groups, we will see that the group grupoDevCodeLight has been deleted.

I hope this helps you. Have a great day.

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