Today we are going to learn how we can implement the GDPR consent message with React Native.

Let’s install the following library (
npm install @ulangi/react-native-ad-consent --save
Now let’s add this key in info.plist of iOS:
<key>GADDelayAppMeasurementInit</key> <true/>
Now we open AndroidManifest.xml in case of Android. And add:
<meta-data android:name="" android:value="true"/> <uses-library android:name="org.apache.http.legacy" android:required="false"/>
And now we create our component called consentAdmob.ts
import RNAdConsent from 'ulangi/react-native-ad-consent'; async function obtenerConsentimientoUsuario(publisherId) { const consentStatus = await RNAdConsent.requestConsentInfoUpdate({ publisherId, }); if (consentStatus === RNAdConsent.UNKNOWN) { const isInEeaOrUnknown = await RNAdConsent.isRequestLocationInEeaOrUnknown(); if (isInEeaOrUnknown) { const adProviders = await RNAdConsent.getAdProviders(); // You can do something with the ad providers, for example, show a custom modal await RNAdConsent.setConsentStatus(RNAdConsent.PERSONALIZED); } } } async function mostrarAlertAdmobConsent(adAppId, publisherId) { const consentStatus = await RNAdConsent.requestConsentInfoUpdate({ publisherId, }); if (consentStatus === RNAdConsent.UNKNOWN) { const formResponse = await RNAdConsent.showGoogleConsentForm({ privacyPolicyUrl: "", shouldOfferAdFree: true, }); if (formResponse === RNAdConsent.PREFERS_AD_FREE) { // Do something specific when the user prefers an ad-free experience } else { await RNAdConsent.setConsentStatus(formResponse); } } // Then, initialize AdMob await adMob.initialize(adAppId); }
To use the functions we provide, you should call obtenerConsentimientoUsuario before showing the consent form and initializing AdMob with the function mostrarAlertAdmobConsent
. Make sure to provide the proper values for adAppId
and publisherId
. Also, remember to add: «» for your app’s privacy policy URL.
Here’s an example of how you could use these functions:
// Define your publisherId and adAppId values const publisherId = "pub-1234567890"; const adAppId = "your_admob_app_id"; // Call the function to get user consent await obtenerConsentimientoUsuario(publisherId); // Call the function to show the consent form and then initialize AdMob await mostrarAlertAdmobConsent(adAppId, publisherId);