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Reading Time: < 1 minute
Hello, today we are going to install Flutter on Mac.

The first thing we need to do is navigate to the folder where we want to install it, for example, Documents.
Next, we clone the project using this command:
git clone -b master
Once cloned, we need to add the path to our Mac’s path variable. To do this, follow these steps:
- Edit the .bash_profile file:
vi $home/.bash_profile
And add the following line:
export PATH="$PATH:/{your_flutter_installed_path}/flutter/bin"
Remember to replace {your_flutter_installed_path} with the path where you have Flutter installed.
Now, we need to refresh the changes:
source $HOME/.bash_profile
And now we can run Flutter:
flutter doctor
(Note: The “Reading Time” part is not included, and a pipe “” is added at the end as instructed.)