Select Dropdown Options Widget or DropdownButton in Dart using Flutter

Tiempo de lectura: 2 minutos

Today we are going to create a custom widget called CustomDropdownButton, which is used to display a DropdownButton with selectable options.

The widget accepts three parameters:

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

import '../comun/Option.dart';

class CustomDropdownButton extends StatefulWidget {
  final Option selectedOption;
  final List options;
  final void Function(Option?) onChanged;

    required this.selectedOption,
    required this.options,
    required this.onChanged,

  _CustomDropdownButtonState createState() => _CustomDropdownButtonState();

class _CustomDropdownButtonState extends State {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Expanded(
      child: DropdownButton(
        isExpanded: true,
        value: widget.selectedOption,
        onChanged: widget.onChanged,
        items: widget.options
              (option) => DropdownMenuItem(
            value: option,
            child: Text(,
  1. selectedOption: Represents the currently selected option in the dropdown menu.
  2. options: Is a list of options to be displayed in the dropdown menu.
  3. onChanged: Is a function that is called when the selection of the dropdown menu changes.

Widget Usage: To use this widget, simply incorporate it into the widget tree and provide the required parameters as shown below

  selectedOption: mySelectedOption,
  options: optionsList,
  onChanged: (newOption) {
    // Logic to handle the change in the selected option.
    // You can update the state or perform other actions here.

Finally, we visualize the result

I hope this helps you and have a great day

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