Create a Project in Visual Studio Code Using Ubuntu Console on Windows with WSL/WSL2 to Use FastAPI.

Tiempo de lectura: 2 minutos

Reading time: 2 minutes

You must have previously installed Ubuntu on Windows, I’ll leave you the following helpful link:

Install Ubuntu on Windows

Once we have Ubuntu installed, I’m going to create a folder within home using commands where we will place our project.

sudo mkdir proyectoDevCodeLight

We modify the permissions to allow us to write, read, and execute, thus being able to create .py files.

sudo chmod 777 proyectoDevCodeLight

We navigate into the folder and create a project in Visual Studio Code.

If we open the terminal by clicking on Terminal -> New Terminal, or by pressing Ctrl + Shift + ñ, it appears as follows:

To use the wsl option and run commands through the Linux console, select the option at the bottom right and choose Ubuntu (wsl).

Here is the following link where we continue with the installation of Python with FastAPI. I hope it helps you.

Installation of Python and FastAPI

Have a great day!

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