How to Create a Kanban Board and Custom Labels in GitLab

Tiempo de lectura: 2 minutos

Reading Time: 2 minutes

How to Create a Kanban Board and Custom Labels in GitLab

Photo by Linda Eller-Shein on Pexels

To create a work board, we need to access our GitLab profile, select the project where we want to create the board, and then follow a few simple steps that we will see below.

  1. In the left sidebar menu, click on Issues -> Boards

Only two default issue classification labels will appear in the board: Open and Closed.

To create a new label, we have to go back to the menu, click on Project information. Then Labels -> New label.

We will add a Title, Description, and Background Color to it.

To use this new label in our board, we go back to the board screen by clicking on Issues -> Boards. Finally, to add it, click on Create list -> Select a label and select the previously created one.

Finally, we add it to the board.

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